Dr. Pat's Exercise Videos

Headache / Neck Pain / Upper Body Health Protocol 

  1. Chin Tuck/ Range of Motion
  2. Pectoral Stretch
  3. Wall Angel
  4. Y, T, W
  5. Myofascial Release (foam roller, if available)

If in extreme pain, ice only using the neck protocol below until instructed by Dr. Donohue to do otherwise              * Stretching and exercise should feel like a mild burn. If you experience symptoms like sharp, shooting pains, tingling, numbness or weakness, discontinue exercise

1) Chin Tuck for Strengthening Neck

Exercise Instructions: 

Tuck chin, lean head back looking straight ahead, shoulders back -hold for 20-30 seconds or 15 repetitions,5-10 times per day, 7 days a week

2) Stretches for Chest and Upper Body - Pectoral Stretch

Exercise Instructions: 

  1.              Use caution if history of shoulder pain
  2.              Stretch 45 degrees over head for 20 seconds
  3.              Stretch 90 degrees for 20 seconds
  4.              Stretch 45 degrees down for 20 seconds
  5.              Repeat 2-3 times


3) Wall Angel Exercise for Strengthening Neck, Shoulders and Upper Back

Exercise Instruction:

  1.  Keeping head, back, wrists, shoulders, legs flat against wall
  2.  Starting with elbows against body, move hands straight up
  3. Keeping above body parts pressed against wall
  4. 10 repetitions, repeat twice, 3 days a week, 1 day rest in between

4) YTW Exercise for Upper Body

Exercise Instruction: 2 Rounds 10 repetitions 3 times a week, 1 rest day in between.

5) Foam Roll / Myofascial Release

Exercise Instructions: Roll or rest in extension for 30 seconds, 1 time per day everyday

Low Back Protocol / Lower Body Health Protocol

If in extreme pain, ice only using the ice low back protocol below until instructed by Dr. Donohue otherwise                                                                                                                                                                * Stretching and exercise should feel like a mild burn. If you experience symptoms like sharp, shooting pains, tingling, numbness or weakness, discontinue exercise.

  1. Pelvic Tilt
  2. Cat/Camel
  3. Hip Crossover
  4. QL
  5. Wall Flower
  6. Figure Four
  7. Myofascial release (foam roller, if available)

1) Pelvic Tilt Strengthening Exercise for Low Back

Exercise Instruction: 

  1.  flatten back, squeeze belly, squeeze buttocks all at once
  2. can be done sitting, standing or laying face up
  3. hold for 20-30 seconds or 15 repetitions,5-10 times per day, 7 days a week

2) Cat Camel Stretch for Low Back

Exercise Instruction: 

  1. Pull belly down, hold for 3 seconds
  2. Arch lower back up, hold for 3 seconds
  3. Keeping back arched up, sit on heels and/or bounce up and down
  4. 3 rounds, 10 repetitions, 1 time per day 3 to 4 times a week

3) Hip Crossover Exercise for Stretching Low Back

Exercise Instruction: 

  1. Shoulders flat, knees bent at 90 degrees
  2. rotate legs to each side resting in place for 30 seconds
  3.  2-3 times per day, 7 days per week


4) QL Stretch

  1. Do not attempt, if symptoms like pain is present in low back
  2. Standing, cross leg so outside/far foot goes towards wall
  3. Reach with outside/ far hand over shoulder towards wall
  4. Should feel a stretch on outside / far lower back
  5. Hold 20-30 seconds, repeat 3 times on each side

5) Wall Flower

  1. Do not attempt, if symptoms like pain is present in lower back
  2. Laying on back, bring buttocks six inches from wall 
  3. Start with feet together, legs straight against wall - hold for 30 seconds
  4. Bring feet to 45 degrees, legs straight - hold for 30 seconds
  5. Bring feet out as far as possible without pain - hold 30 seconds
  6. Repeat 3 times

6) Figure Four

  1. Do not attempt, if symptoms like pain is present in lower back
  2. Laying on back, feet against wall
  3. Place one foot on knee
  4. Increase intensity of stretch with pressure on knee
  5. Hold for 30 seconds, repeat on each leg 3 times

7) Foam Rolling for Low Back and Glutes

Exercise Instruction: Do not attempt if pain in spine is present. 30 seconds per region, 1 time a day, everyday

Ice protocol for Neck Pain

Exercise Instruction:

  1.  Lay face up, head slightly extended for 15 minutes. 
  2. Repeat every half hour, 3 times. 
  3. Wait a few hours and repeat the cycle. 
  4. Any symptoms like pain, tingling numbness - discontinue.

Ice Protocol for Low Back Pain

Exercise Instruction: 

  1. Lay face up, knees up for 15 minutes, repeat every half hour 3 times. 
  2. Wait a few hours and repeat the cycle. 
  3. Any symptoms like pain, tingling, numbness - discontinue.

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